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In Development

The Execution

Most of the Lodan Interactive team are volunteers working on their 'free-time' where it can be spared. As such, the majority of the work will be conducted after-hours and on weekends.  Team meetings will be over skype rather than in person, and while deadlines are not rushed, they are expected to be met, and when not possible, given an educational breakdown of hurdles that hindered the process.  Each successful and unsuccessful render is a learning experience that helps perfect the L.I. world!




The Essentials

The development team will need to have Blender3D and Unity (both free downloadable programs).  They will also need a passion for Steampunk themes and roleplaying games.  The only prerequisite required is exploring the Lodan Forums and getting acquainted with the general community activity.

The Plan

To develop the ultimate multi-player Role Playing Game, with completely unique characters custom made for the 3D verion of Lodan - City of Gears, using Blender3D and Unity game engine software and assets; where players can enjoy sandbox style gaming, side quest and Guild Game "Team PvP" Special Events.



Lodan Interactive

Want to contribute? Fill in the form

The Dream

Transforming the City of Lodan Text-based RPG into a 3D Interactive world, where the 5 guilds still compete against each other for supremecy and vie for control of the monarchy.  An RPG where the characters really are custom made to represent individual players, designed to match their original character applications upon graduating from the text-based roleplaying orientation.  

There is one thing every MMORPG player wants more of, and that's Character Customization.   That is why Lodan Interactive has the ultimate Role Playing Game design!  Fantasy and Sci-Fi Gamers, Text-based Role Play and Collaborative Writers, Cosplayers and Steampunk Enthusiast will finally be able to play in 3D space with a completely unique character they designed.

Are you interested in applying your skills toward the evolution of Lodan Interactive? If you would like to join our team and help pilot the release of a multi-player 3D interactive platform, please fill out the form to the right of your screen.  Include a link to your portfolio or resume, and briefly describe your prior experience and how you would like to contribute to the project.  


We look forward to hearing from you!

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